Lifetime ISA (LISA) -
Product eligibiity
Discover if you're eligible for a Lifetime ISA (LISA) with our quick and easy-to-use calculator. Enter your information using our dynamic interface, and we'll provide you with a personalised assessment. Additionally, we offer a breakdown of the product's terms which are relevant to you, making it simple and straightforward to understand the advantages and constraints of Lifetime ISAs.
How old are you?
We ask this because age is one of the factors that determine LISA eligability.
Do you already have a Lifetime ISA?
We're asking this question because you're over 40. This means you can't open a LISA but you may be able to contribute an existing one until you're 50.
Have you already have made a deposit into your LISA?
As long as you made a payment into your LISA before you reached 40, you can contribute up to £4,000 each year - until you're 50.
Have you ever purchased a property?
If you're a first-time buyer you may be able use your LISA to purchase a property. If not, LISAs can still be useful, but the terms of access are different.
Will you want to access your money before you're 60?
If you're not buying your first home, aged over 60 or terminally ill you'll pay a withdrawal charge of 25% when you withdraw your money.