Interactive calculators to help you make good decisions
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Featured calculators
Find your optimal combination
Which combination of savings accounts gives the best return, after tax?
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Savings calculator -
Best rate
This calculator finds the best rate for your savings, after tax.
Tax rate
ISA allowances
Savings to optimise
Student loan
Is it worth making an overpayment?
Model the impact of making additional payments to your balance.
Coming soon
Tax allowance
Calculate your annual allowances
Calcualtes SSR, PSA, PA, Income tax and National Insurance
Coming soon
Rate calculators

Tax allowances

Savings starter rate, personal savings rate and income tax allowances.

Best rate

Which combination of accounts gives the highest interest, after tax.


Calculates if it's worth switching when there's a penalty charge.

Withdrawal penalty

Cost of withdrawing money from a notice account early.

Target rate

Determines the rate of return required to reach a future value.

Premium bond return

Determines the rate of return of your premium bonds for easy comparison.

Gross to AER

Calculates the Annual Equivalent Rate (AER) by factoring in compound interest.

AER to Gross

Calculates the gross interst rate from Annual Equivalent Rate (AER).
Goal calculators

Target amount

How much you need to save each month to reach a specific target.

Savings goal: basic

How long it will take to reach a specific target. Quick and easy to use.

Savings goal: advanced

Time to reach a specific savings target. Multi-period interst rates and contributions.

Savings growth: basic

Calculates the growth on initial deposit and any regular contributions.

Savings growth: advanced

Calculates savings growth. Multi-period interst rates and contributions.

Save or invest: basic

Simple savings and investment growth calculator.

Save or invest: advanced

Savings and investment growth calculator with advanced options.

LISA benefit: basic

Calculates the benefit, after tax, from saving into an LISA.

LISA benefit: advanced

Calculates the benefit, after tax, from saving into an LISA.

Repay debt

Compares savings and investment growth v debt interest.

Time to double

Calculates the time it will take for a balance to double in value.
Rate calculators

Gross to APR

Calculates the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) by factoring in compound interest.
Credit card calculators

Time to repay

How long it will take to repay your card, just paying the minimum.

Credit card: Advanced

Benefit of making an overpayment or switching to better rate.
Personal loan calculators

Fixed-rate loan modeller

Calculates the monthly repayment amount for a fixed rate loan.

Overpayment benefit

Benefit achieved by making single or regular overpayments to a fixed-rate loan.

Personal loan modeller

Calculates the monthly repayment amount for a fixed rate loan.

Personal loan overpayment

Benefit achieved by making single or regular overpayments.

APR rate estimator

Calculates APR based on initial amount, monthly payment, term.


Determines if switching your loan is financially beneficial.
Student loan calculators


Models student loan repayment schedule.


Calculates the impact of making student loan overpayments.
Mortgage calculators

How much can I borrow?

Determines the mortgage amount you'll likely be able to borrow.

Monthly payment amount

Calculates the monthly payment amount for a fixed-rate mortgage.


Calculates APRC based on two rates and terms.


Calculates the impact of a single or regular overpayment.

Compare two mortgages

Compares two fixed-rate mortgages and decides which is best value.


Determines whether it is financially beneficial to pay penalty and switch.
Macro-economic indicators


Calculates the value of money over time.
Investment calculators

Net worth

Absolute and percentage change over time.

Fund performance

Daily, time-weighted return for investment funds.

Portfolio return

Money-weighted return to take into account cash flows.

Forecaster: advanced

Models the future value of single and regular contributions.

Forecaster: basic

Models the future value of single and regular contributions.

Invest or save: basic

Simple savings and investment growth calculator.

Invest or save: advanced

Savings and investment growth calculator with advanced options.
Financial ratio calculators


Calculated by dividing total liabilities by shareholder equity.

Working capital

The amount of current assets left over after subtracting current liabilities.


Measures current share price relative to its per-share earnings.


Measure of a company's net income divided by its shareholders' equity.


Company's profit allocated to each share of outstanding common stock


Ratio of market value of a company's shares to its book value of equity.

Net Present Value

Difference between present value of cash inflows / outflows over a period of time.

Internal Rate of Return

A metric used to estimate the profitability of potential investments.

Quick Ratio

A company's ability to meet short-term obligations with liquid assets.

Current ratio

Determine a debtor's ability to pay off current debt obligations.

Sharp ratio

Measures portfolio return in relation to it's risk. (Higher the better).
Pension calculators

Pension forecast: basic

Simplier verison to understand tax-free lump sum and monthly income in retirement

Pension forecast: advanced

Calculates pension pot, lump sum and monthly income in retirement

Annuity calculator

Calculates how much your pensson is worth each month once you retire

Tax relief

Calculates the potential relief on pension contributions.

Carry forward

Determines maximum you can contribute to your pension in tax year.

Salary sacrifice

Calculates impact of making pension contributions using salary sacrifice.


Determines income withdraw impact and pot balance.
Life and longevity

Retirement age

State retirement age based on date of birth.

Life expectancy

Based on ONS data. Useful for retirement planning.
Benefit calculators

Child benefit

Child benefit and high income charge calculator.

Risk profile

Gives an indication of what risk level you may be willing to accept.

Capacity for loss

This is best derived, rather than self-assessed.
Tax allowances

Tax allowances

Savings starter rate, personal savings rate and income tax allowances.

Income tax calculator

Calculates income tax and national insurance due on annual income.

Capital gains tax

Calculates capital gains on the sale of an investment.

LISA eligibility

Determines if you qualify for a LISA product.

Pension benefit

Calculates the potential relief on pension contributions.

Top slicing

Tax relief for onshore and offshore bonds.

ISA v Pension

What's better, saving into ISA or Pension?

Pension carry forward

Determines the maximum you can contribute to your pension in tax year.
Property calculators

Stamp duty

Calculates tax due when purchasing a property.

Rental income

Tax due on rental income (whole property or single room).

Capital gains

Calculates capital gains on the sale of a property.
Tax and yield calculators

Stamp duty

Calculates tax due when purchasing a property.

Rental yield

Calculates capitalisation rate for investment property.

Buy-to-let or invest

Models buy-to-let returns v (ISA and GIA) investment growth.